Newsletter of Thousand Waves Martial Arts & Self-Defense Center, NFP
Returning to Tradition: Letter from our Executive Director
12.17.2021 by Ryan Libel
The Thousand Waves shinzen, with traditional Kagami Biraki decorations, in 2020. Kagami Biraki is a New Years tradition, which Thousand Waves plans to celebrate again in 2022, on January 8 for kids and January 9 for Adults.
Dear Thousand Waves Community,
’Tis the season of gratitude and joy! With children finally eligible for vaccines our road to normalcy is starting to feel a little shorter. And though too many are still falling ill, this holiday season brings a return to many traditions that could not be honored last year. At Thousand Waves, we are happy to be getting back to many of our pre-pandemic traditions as well.
Kagami Biraki, our annual New Years training and member meeting, is scheduled for the early morning of Sunday, January 9. Kids’ Kagami Biraki will be during regular kids’ classes on Saturday January 8.
Our self-defense program has restarted, with a regular schedule of Five Fingers of Self-Defense workshops now available for enrollment. The first two-hour workshop is Saturday February 12, at 4:00 pm.
Kyoshi Tom and the volunteers of our Adapted Seido Karate program for children with mobility challenges are very pleased to have restarted the ASK program as well – the group is now meeting on Saturday afternoons.
And we’re even hosting our holiday party – it’s happening Saturday, December 18 at 6 pm and is open to vaccinated individuals of all ages – RSVP at this link (please note no childcare is provided; parents must supervise children). The party is a potluck, so let us know what you’re bringing at this link.
Speaking of traditions – we’re glad to be back on a regular schedule for this newsletter. Thanks to Kyoshi Katherine and Carl Foote for their longstanding production efforts! The contents of this issue reflect the growing importance of volunteer leadership in our organization, as well as the dedication of many members to their training and our art.
Happy Holidays,
Ryan Libel
Executive Director
We Did It! $90,000 Spirit Challenge Goal Surpassed
12.17.2021 by Thousand Waves
Board Breaking on Halloween was one of the most popular Spirit Challenge reward events. Many boards were broken by participants from all Thousand Waves age programs.
Spirit Challenge is Thousand Waves’ main annual fundraiser. Once a year, we rally our members to ask everyone they know for donations in support of our programs: The Ann Morris and Vada Woods Scholarship Fund, our Empowerment Self-Defense Program, and our Adapted Seido Karate Program for children with disabilities. This year’s goal was an exceptionally ambitious $90,000. We knew it would be challenging, but with everyone’s incredible commitment to fundraising and reaching the goal, we did it! Together, we exceeded our goal, and raised $90,786!
Big thanks to Senpai Jordan Garcia for all the work coordinating the fundraiser and the reward events, and to the many of you who stepped up to help in myriad ways. Your support in the form of donating items for our silent auction, running challenge events, making donations, and of course, asking everyone you know to support our school are how we made our collective goal.
The Sparring Challenge is a traditional favorite Spirit Event, and here is the traditional sweaty post-sparring photo dachi.
Friendly competition among the fundraisers, and ambitious individual goal-setting helped raise our collective total. Below are the winners in each category.
Total Fundraised: $90,786
Members Who Raised or Donated $1,000 or More: 31
Top Individual Fundraisers 1. Michele Curley
2. Pat Broughton
3. John Cusick
Top Family: Mario Cruz and Jeff Stone
Top Teen: Lily Simpson-Lacey
Top Youth: Rory Hollowed
Top Team: Jordan Garcia, Aaron Alberg, and Willa Marie O'Donnell
Most Donors: Katherine Nichols and Robin Snyder
Special Fundraising Events: $8,145
Silent Auction: $7,395
Top Selling Silent Auction Item: Olivia Mulcahy and Josephine McCloskey
Rummage Sale: $450
Top Rummage Sale Total: El Linzer
Food Fest: $300
Top Food Fest Total: Jordan Garcia
It’s not too late to support Thousand Waves programs with your donation. We are always appreciative of your help at this link.
Introducing the New Council of Senior Leaders
12.17.2021 by Jeff Gore
September 2021 saw the initial meeting of the second Council of Senior Leaders at Thousand Waves. The new Council includes Sensei Pat Broughton (Chair), Senpai Mattie Greenblatt, Senpai Michele Curley, Senpai Jeff Gore, Senpai John Cusick, and Michelle Koerbel.
The Council of Senior Leaders is a group of experienced senior students committed to carrying forward the mission and principles on which Sei Shihan Nancy and Sei Shihan Sarah established our school, the technique and spirit of Seido Karate, and the teaching of karate and self-defense in an inclusive way. Made up of six training members – a senior color belt, two members at shodan or nidan rank, and three members at sandan or above – the Council works in an advisory role to the Executive Director and acts as a resource for the dojo’s membership.
During their first meeting, the current Council immediately recognized Sensei Pat Broughton’s organizational experience in fundraising and consulting and nominated her as Chair. Together with her fellow Council members, Sensei Pat organized the following sub-committees and asked each member to take charge of one:
Karate programs and instructor development (Sensei Pat Broughton, Senpai Mattie Greenblatt)
Communication between members, teachers, and the council (Senpai Michele Curley)
Senior Black Belt advancement (Sensei Pat Broughton, Senpai Mattie Greenblatt)
Community-building activities (Michelle Koerbel)
Transmission of Seido values (Senpai Jeff Gore)
Special workshops (Senpai John Cusick)
Here’s a link to the November 20 CSL meeting notes. If you would like to contribute an item for discussion at a meeting, have questions, or are interested in learning more about opportunities to volunteer – especially with community building, the transmission of Seido values, or special workshops – please email the
The Inaugural Council of Senior Leaders, whose term began in fall 2019, included Jun Shihan Martha Fourt, Kyoshi Akinwande Oyebanjo, Sensei Aileen Geary, Sensei Ryan Libel, Senpai Margarita Saona, Senpai Lauren Bushnell, and Senpai Marti Mendoza-Schommer. Among their efforts and accomplishments over their two-year term were providing support for advanced black belt candidates, jumpstarting our special monthly meditation programs, and working closely with Sei Shihan Nancy and Sensei Ryan on programs to mentor new and intermediate karate instructors.
Gassho! With much gratitude to all that the first Council weathered under pandemic conditions, the new Council hopes to build on their previous accomplishments. Although the members of the new Council are regular fixtures at Thousand Waves, here’s a brief introduction to each:
Sensei Patricia Broughton, a Yondan (4th degree black belt), has been training at Thousand Waves for the past 18-1/2 years. She brings her passion for fundraising into her consulting work with the Evolve Giving Group and as a volunteer with a variety of non-profits, including the Evanston Environmental Association. When she’s not training or volunteering at Thousand Waves, you’ll find her in a kayak or canoe, on a bike, in a yoga pose, or doing agility with Juno, the pup who resides part-time in her townhome in Evanston.
Senpai Mattie Greenblatt is a Sandan who began training in 2004 and grew up at Thousand Waves. She lives with her family in the city while she works full-time as support staff in a clinic and prepares to begin her doctorate in Physical Therapy. The friends, caring teachers, and the lessons she learned growing up here have played a huge role in her life. Even more than teaching our physical art, she loves providing the same care, motivation, and support to students to help them succeed no matter how small the triumph.
Senpai Michele Curley joined the Sandan ranks via a Zoom test in April 2021. She originally joined Thousand Waves as a fitness and yoga student in 2008. However, she quickly decided she wanted to also start to learn Seido karate at TW and did so after her April marathon of 2009. Senpai Michele will finally graduate from high school in May of 2022, when she will retire after having taught Italian for the last 23 years. She will then have more time for travel, family, friends, new adventures, and quality time with her two cats in West Edgewater.
Senpai Jeff Gore is a Nidan who has been training at Thousand Waves since 2008. He is an English professor at UIC, and he lives with his wife, Senpai Margarita, and two very shy kittens in Rogers Park. Among his activities at Thousand Waves, he most enjoys sparring because it allows us to improvise in our karate practice and to respond to one another’s diverse strengths and needs.
Senpai John Cusick is a Shodan who has been training at Thousand Waves since 2008. He and his spouse Ian, live in Uptown. Senpai John was a classroom teacher for many years; he is now an advocate for teachers, working on the political team with the Illinois Federation of Teachers. He appreciates karate practice because it offers a complete break from his professional life.
Michelle Koerbel is a Brown Belt who has been training at Thousand Waves since 2019. She is a Civil/Structural Engineer and lives in West Rogers Park with her husband Darren, son Quentin, two dogs – Zelda and Zoë, two cats – Merry and Pippen, a bird – Jolene, and multiple fish – too many to be named here. She enjoys training at Thousand Waves because of the challenging classes and being able to train with all the belt ranks, which allows for a great sense of community and also many great opportunities for learning.
As Executive Director, Sensei Ryan Libel is an ex-officio member of the Senior Leadership Council and attends all its meetings. Sensei Ryan is a Yondan who has trained at Thousand Waves since 2004. He serves as the Executive Director of the organization, and teaches in the Karate and Empowerment Self-Defense programs. He lives on the edge of the Loop downtown with his husband Michael, and enjoys taking advantage of his proximity to the Chicago Symphony, the Art Institute, and the Lakefront.
12.17.2021 by Thousand Waves
Justine Houseman is an Advanced Yellow Belt training member.
Briefly, how did you come to train in Seido Karate at Thousand Waves? For just about as long as I can remember, I had wanted to learn a martial art. I had never been very athletic, so I was always scared to take the step and actually try. In November of 2018, after several years of progressive illness, I found out I was going to need brain surgery. I decided that when I made it through that, I would finally let myself try, because there was no way learning a martial art could be as scary as brain surgery. I found Thousand Waves through a google search and I think I must have read every word on the website while I was waiting for my surgery date and while I was healing afterwards. Just over six weeks after my surgery, I came in for my trial class.
What is one thing you’d like to change about the world? I wish I could make everyone even just a little bit more kind.
What is one thing you do well? My best friend says that I am better at showing strength in vulnerability than anyone she knows. She says that I express how I feel and draw boundaries in a way that feels open and honest, and that makes it very easy for people to talk to me and feel safe with me.
What is one thing you do not do so well? Asking for help. I’ve developed a stubborn sense of independence and I try to do it all on my own, even when I really shouldn’t.
Who from history do you admire, and why? Charles Darwin. His life story is certainly interesting and well worth reading more about, but his theory of evolution by means of natural selection – that all life, including humans, descended from a common ancestor – was world changing. For me personally, one of the more spiritual moments of my life was when I finally understood evolution. Thinking about how connected we all are to each other, and to all life on the planet, never fails to make me feel small in the best way.
Other than Chicago, where have you most enjoyed spending time? St. Louis. I didn’t realize it until I sat down to answer this question, but it’s one of the only cities I’ve never lived in that I’ve been back to multiple times. One of the few good memories I have with my estranged mother was a trip there when I was a teenager, my ex-husband and I went there for our first anniversary, and my last trip pre-COVID was a long weekend away with my oldest friend (we’ve been friends for 21 years now!). The Botanical Gardens are one of my favorite places, and I always plan a day there when I visit. I had some of the best BBQ I’ve ever eaten there, which as someone who has lived in both Kansas City and Texas is really saying something. City Museum is so much fun and I can’t wait to go back!
What quotation have you found inspiring or interesting? Wild Geese by Mary Oliver You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
What foods do you like best? After almost 10 years of living in Texas, I will always have a soft spot for Tex-Mex. Easy access to tacos and chips & queso is one of the few things I miss about living there. My favorite food overall though is pho. I live just down the street from several excellent Vietnamese restaurants, and it’s tempting to just have that for dinner every night.
What is a book that has been significant to you? Anything by Haruki Murakami. After Dark was the first book of his I read, shortly after getting out of the Army. It was like nothing I had ever read before and, while I couldn’t tell you much about it now, I remember that it made me feel much less alone. I’ve since read just about everything he’s written. His work has a very dreamlike quality to it, and I find that it can provide a different way of looking at whatever the circumstances of my own life are at the time. I’m currently working on Killing Commendatore and so far it might be my favorite (I’m not quite halfway through it though!).
What are your musical favorites? I listen to a little bit of everything, from classic rock to 90s country. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with The Other Shore, an album by the indie rock band Murder by Death.
“Thousand Waves Member Spotlight: Ten Questions for…” is a regular feature of Kiai!
In the next issue, Gavin Donnellan will answer these same ten questions.
Congratulations to our September through November 2021 Promotees
12.17.2021 by Thousand Waves
These photos show our pride in all our students who have persevered with their karate despite the challenges of these times, and who have earned their next rank in Seido Karate.
Adult Black Belts
October 30, 2021
To 1st Degree
Black Belt (Shodan)
Senpai Graham Hansen
Senpai Lisa Matznick
Senpai Dustin Spence
Senpai Marti Mendoza-Schommer
Senpai Liam Darrah