from the July, 2014 issue of Kiai!

Cross-Training for Karate: Adventures in Cycling


By Senpai Annie Gregory
1st Degree Black Belt and TW Board Chair

82 miles into the ride, biking uphill on a 2-lane highway in Wisconsin in 90-degree heat, I wasn’t sure what I had gotten myself into.

Last year, when Thousand Waves conducted a membership survey, we learned that 82% of responding members participated in activities outside of karate.  As those engaged in a physical practice, many of us understand the importance of incorporating cross-training into our fitness routines.  Athletic trainers widely agree that mixing up our workouts and engaging in activities outside of one’s primary fitness activity is a good way to increase fitness, prevent over-use injuries, and build strength and flexibility in other muscles.

For the past couple years, my cross-training activity of choice has been cycling.  In addition to its low-impact nature, what I appreciate about cycling is the ability it gives us to propel ourselves great distances using our own power (and in a more enjoyable way than running, in my opinion, but I may have some debate there if our membership survey is any indication!).  I also appreciate the leg- and core-strength gains associated with biking, which carry over quite well to karate.

Last year, I trained for and participated in the Ride for AIDS Chicago as a benefit for Chicago House, the nonprofit agency where I work. This 2-day 200-mile ride, traveling from Evanston to Wisconsin, was one of the most difficult physical challenges I've undertaken. But I enjoyed it so much that I signed up to do it again this year.  Along with two other karate members, I'm also training for a bike tour this summer from Pittsburgh to DC along the Great Allegheny Passage and C&O Towpath, an old rail-trail route that's been converted into a 335-mile continuous bike path.

A special bike-related shout-out to On the
Route Bicycles, a local business that has
been an important community partner to
Thousand Waves for many years. Next time
you need a tune-up or bike gear, be sure to
stop in and thank them for supporting our

As I have trained for these endeavors, I've been delighted to find that my karate training has also nicely complemented my cross-training.  A couple of years ago, I was in a bike accident in which a driver opened her car door into the bike lane.  Mentally, it was several months before I was ready to get "back in the saddle" and I am still quite anxious at times riding in traffic. My practice of karate helps me calm my mind when I am feeling nervous in traffic, and it helps me feel centered when I experience unexpected events on the road.  Kata on the bike is a little more tricky, but maybe that's a Spirit Challenge event for down the road?

Whatever your chosen activity is, it is important to find something you enjoy doing.  I briefly tried marathon running, and realized that activity wasn’t going to be sustainable for me, since I didn’t actually like to run. I also hear that Thousand Waves may be getting a new fitness program to help meet your cross-training needs. Stay tuned!