from the December, 2013 issue of Kiai!

TW to Host National Martial Arts & Self-Defense
Conference in July 2014


By Sei Shihan Nancy Lanoue,
Executive Director and 6th Degree Black Belt

Something big is happening, and I’m asking for the whole Thousand Waves community’s support to make it successful. I have accepted an invitation to host the annual conference of the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation, a sister non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the involvement of women and girls in martial arts and self-defense. The conference will be called PeaceWorks, in recognition of the many ways we can build peace and reduce violence, and the fact that all of them require skills and hard work.

PeaceWorks will offer 4.5 days of intensive mind/body training and education in many styles of Martial Arts, Healing Arts, Self-Defense and Violence Prevention. The conference will be held at North Central College in Naperville, IL from July 16 - 20, 2014. It is open to women and girls (ages 6 & up), with a one day option, Super Saturday, for male allies and women and girls who can’t attend the full conference. Participants can stay on campus (dormitory housing and meals are included in the full conference fee), or take advantage of a commuter option.

10 reasons why you should register or sign up your daughter or son to participate:

Thousand Waves’ kids’ classes will be cancelled from Thursday July 17-Sat July 19th so our women teachers can avail themselves of this once-in-a-lifetime professional development opportunity. On Super Saturday, adult classes will also be cancelled to support our male teachers’ participation. So the only training action that weekend will be at PeaceWorks, and we are inviting you now to save the dates and join us.

Early Bird discounted rates are in effect between now and March 14th.