A Report on our Annual Meetings from our Executive Director
2.23.2018 by Ryan Libel

Dear Thousand Waves Community,
As is our custom, back in early January we held annual member and parent meetings to report on the status of our not-for-profit organization. During the meetings, I spoke to the community about our karate membership numbers, which make up the bulk of our earned revenue, and our contributed revenue, both of which were strong in 2017. We also provided updates on all our programs, as well as an update about our 2017-2019 strategic plan.
Read a summary of our discussion.

Fundamentally, we enjoyed strong earned and contributed revenue in 2017. The lion’s share of our earned revenue comes from karate program fees. We currently have about 420 active training members, about 35% of whom are adults and older teens; 65% are children under age 15. Our contributed revenue comes almost exclusively from individuals like you – our donors mainly give through our annual Spirit Challenge fundraiser, by contributing funds on top of their karate tuition monthly, and through our end of year campaign. In 2017, contributions comprised just under 30% of our revenue.

We were extremely happy to be able to distribute about $53,000 in scholarships last year in all our programs. These scholarships served an average of 37 karate students monthly, 12 children in our summer camp, as well as many individuals and organizations in our violence prevention/self-defense programs. It was especially exciting to hear VP/SD program manager Amy Jones report that we delivered over 100 programs in 2017, serving nearly 1,800 individuals! These programs happened all over the city in all sorts of organizations, from Whitney Young Special Education students to Northshore University Health Systems hospital emergency department staff. Finally, our Adapted Seido Karate program for children with disabilities also stayed strong, completing its first year under the staff leadership of Senpai Sam Boyer.
Our strategic plan has two primary goal areas. The first goal area is to tend to the strong foundation that our organization has built over the past 32 years – primarily our Seido Karate program. As we have previously announced, Sei Shihan Nancy and Jun Shihan Sarah will be stepping down from their roles as Head Instructors at the end of 2018, when Sensei Alan Miller will take over the role. At the meetings, we were all heartened to hear Sei Shihan Nancy speak of her confidence in Sensei Alan’s readiness to take on this key role going forward, which I share. Sei Shihan Nancy also talked about her confidence in our deep bench of new and veteran instructors who now teach karate for us. We are confident the future of Seido Karate teaching at Thousand Waves is bright.
The second goal area is to positively impact the community. Our strategic plan envisions a large violence prevention initiative toward which we are making significant progress. We are solidifying partnerships with organizations serving young women or LGBTQ populations in anticipation of serving them with 12 hours of pro-bono programming. Concurrently, we will be undertaking a professional program evaluation process, so we can report out on the impact of the programs in greater detail and ensure replicability and fundability of the Self-Defense/Violence Prevention Program into the future.
The staff and Board of Directors of Thousand Waves were all encouraged by the thoughtful participation of so many parents and members at our annual meetings. We feel fortunate to have a community that’s fully engaged with our mission to foster fitness, healing, empowerment, and peacemaking. If you have any questions about our organization, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at rlibel@thousandwaves.org.
Thank you.

Ryan Libel
Executive Director