from the February, 2014 issue of Kiai!
Focus on: Teaching Assistants
By Tabitha Balakumar
Brown Belt

Senpai Tabitha helps a student with his
basic self-defenses.
There are many working parts to a school: curriculum, facilities, equipment, location, etc. And then there are the teachers. Teachers make up the heart and soul of a school. A school can have the best location and top-of-the-line facilities and equipment, but, without a great teacher to bring it all together, all of those material things are worthless. Likewise, a school can have a decent location and so-so equipment, and a great teacher can bring those average things together to create something fabulous.

Senpai Saul helps a student with his
intermediate self-defenses.
I think everyone who has trained at Thousand Waves can agree that we have amazing teachers. We also have teacher assistants, people who donate their time and efforts to assist the teachers in the kids’ classes. With the weather being so cold, more kids are showing up to train each afternoon because they can’t go outside to play. Sometimes there are so many students that an assistant is necessary.

Senpai Kate Phillippo
Fortunately, there are several junior black belt Senpai that assist in the Junior classes during the week, and, for the Youth class, Senpai Kate, Senpai Todd and Senpai Mattie teach on Saturday mornings. Senpai Saul and I teach on Friday afternoons. I asked some of them why they choose to teach, and here’s what they said.

Senpai Todd Scales

Senpai Saul Friedman
Senpai Kate: “I love assistant teaching!! I love sharing my art with other kids, and since I no longer work with kids (I used to be a school social worker), it is a great way to spend time with great kids where I have a chance to know them, work alongside of them, and help them as they grow up.”
Senpai Todd: “That moment when they ‘get it’ is truly rewarding.”

Senpai Mattie Greenblatt
Senpai Mattie: “I sort of see myself in the kids, and I want to give them the same kind of great experience that I had when I was training as a kid.”
Senpai Saul: “I love seeing the kids develop through their martial art. The growth in some of the kids I’ve taught is inspiring.”
Senpai Tabitha: “There’s a fabulous bond that forms between teacher and student. Some kids will randomly come up and give me a hug, even when I’m not in my gi, and that just warms my heart.”
More and more kids are showing up for class during the week and sometimes the training floor is packed to the brim. Our amazing teachers take the large numbers and roll with it, but they would be even more effective with some help. The Youth classes could use some additional hands on Monday through Thursday, and extra help is welcome in the Junior classes as well. If this is something you can do, please ask at the front desk. Any adult at yellow belt and up is welcome and needed, even if on an occasional basis. Junior black belts are encouraged to volunteer in the Junior and Little Kicks classes. Come and join this team of amazing teachers!