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April 2014
In This Issue
Not Just for Parents
On the Road with Thousand Waves
Violence Prevention Field Notes
Action Items
Little Kicks: Teaching the Youngest at Thousand Waves
By Jun Shihan Sarah Ludden
Executive Director and 6th Degree Black Belt
Little Kicks are back! At age 61 I'm teaching 4 year olds again, to punch and kick and jump over padded swords and run under heavy bags, to bend low in horse stance and count to 10 in Japanese. They laugh constantly, especially when running laps around the dojo. Their infectious joy lights up the room and illuminates the faces of their adoring parents.
I have been teaching martial arts for quite a while, since before some of these students' parents were born! I've come full circle, teaching the youngest and the oldest, the most beginner and the most advanced students at Thousand Waves. Yet this class seems the most daunting, the most serious. Preschoolers and kindergarteners are just starting out on their educational journey. Our karate class for 4 and 5 year olds is one of these children's first structured educational activities. It is also one of their first experiences with a teacher outside the family. They are vulnerable and impressionable and parents are trusting us to provide an empowering learning experience for them.
Click for Jun Shihan Sarah's five educational goals for Little Kicks.
From the Viewing Area to Disney World: A Karate Mom's Non-quitting Spirit
By Trish Muro
Mom to Takato & Kumiko, Wife to Kenji
About a year ago, my best friend from college invited (challenged?) me to join her in the Disney races. Lynlee had run several of them; I'd never run anything, really. Hmm. Well, OK, surely we can do the 5k and 10k, right? But no, somehow we found ourselves registering for the Dopey Challenge instead: a 5k on Thursday, a 10k on Friday, a half marathon on Saturday, and a full marathon on Sunday, all in Florida in January, 2014. Ummmm, WHAT?
How did Trish find the strength to meet her Challenge? Read on…
On the Road with Thousand Waves
Thousand Waves Celebrates Sun Dragon Anniversary in Austin
By Senpai Becky Kidd
1st Degree Black Belt
The Sun Dragon 25th Anniversary Weekend felt like a mix of summer camp, family reunion and taste of martial arts all rolled into one action-packed weekend. Sei Shihan Nancy and Jun Shihan Sarah, Senpai Ryan, Senpai Amy, Senpai Carla and I joined Sensei Joy Williamson and the Sun Dragon community and some very special guests to celebrate.
The event began with a potluck dinner party at the home of Senpai Doris Ann (DA) and Senpai Bart in South Austin. Community members provided a lovely assortment of side dishes and desserts to accompany Bart's roast pig. The adults visited with old friends and got acquainted with new ones, while the kids played and chased DA’s chickens around the yard.
One of the offerings at the beautiful site of the Sun Dragon anniversary celebration was a weapons class for kids, taught by Sei Shihan Nancy.
Saturday morning we reconvened at a nearby retreat center for a full day of training opportunities. Sei Shihan Nancy led a spirited opening workout in a sunny field blooming with bluebonnets. The remainder of the day was broken into 4 sessions, each with several classes from which to choose. Classes included Arnis, Kajukenbo punch attacks, Tai Chi, Judo, knife defenses, bo/jo basics and partner drills, practical self defense, nunchaku, Quigong, sparring, exploring animal forms, core work, deepening your kata, gi games and outdoor dojo.
Read more about their springtime adventure in Texas.
Team TW Travels to Kankakee Tournament
By Tabitha Balakumar
Brown Belt
I've been training at Thousand Waves for three years now, and it's been my only window into martial arts. Lately, I've been curious about what the rest of the martial arts world is like, so when Sei Shihan Nancy put out a call for competitors for a nearby tournament, I volunteered.
Early on Sunday morning April 6, nine of us piled into two cars – six competitors and three supporters – and drove down to Kankakee. The tournament was held in a high school gym, with five rings spread out across the basketball court. It was an open tournament, so there were all kinds of styles, both soft and hard, and a diverse range of ages. I believe the youngest kids there were four or five years old.
With all of the competitors, there was a lot of variety regarding skill and obvious hours of training. Some clearly did the tournament circuit often and were in it to win it. Others were more relaxed, wanting to share their art and cheer on the competition. And some were incredibly intense. It was interesting to see the differing attitudes toward competition and toward their own training.
Overall, Thousand Waves had a great showing. Senpai Jordan and Senpai Michele both earned 3rd place in their divisions, and theirs was easily the most difficult. They competed against black belts that have been training for decades. Senpai Mattie earned 2nd place in her division, which was also incredibly competitive. And I earned 1st place in my division, which was the smallest and least competitive. My compatriots were wonderful, and one of them took me under her wing when she found out I'd never competed before.
The sparring was the most interesting to watch. Everyone was fierce, and usually came out with lunging side, hook, and roundhouse kicks. They followed each other around the ring kicking five to ten times with no set-down. Senpai Saul was the only one brave enough to give that a try, and I was proud to call him my teammate.
It was a long day, but I loved every minute of it. Getting to see so much variety, both of martial arts and of training styles, was incredibly interesting. I will definitely go to another tournament. Sei Shihan Nancy learned of another tournament in Chicago on May 18th, so if you are interested talk to her or to me. For more information, there are flyers at the dojo. Maybe we can have another strong showing from Thousand Waves! Osu!
Violence Prevention Field Notes
TW Soars at Orbitz Benefit Event
By Senpai Ryan Libel
2nd Degree Black Belt & Director of Operations
Thousand Waves was honored in mid-March to be the beneficiary of a special fundraising event sponsored by online travel powerhouse, Orbitz.com. Early this year, TW board member and Senpai Todd Scales approached Jeff Marsh, Marketing Director at Orbitz, where Todd leads a team of developers, to see about the company sponsoring one of our free community workshops. Jeff was excited about the prospect, but had bigger things in mind.
Orbitz had some travel vouchers on hand, and Jeff thought that holding a silent auction for the vouchers to benefit Thousand Waves in conjunction with a travel safety program would be a great fit. He reached out to Howard Suskin, a partner at law firm Jenner & Block, who offered an awe-inspiring space on the 45th floor of their downtown offices for the occasion; the firm also provided catering. Out and Equal, a Chicago area LGBT corporate networking group, got involved with publicity, and the Wednesday evening event was booked to capacity within a week of its announcement.
On the night of the event, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to stand up in front of so many corporate decision makers and talk about Thousand Waves’ important, mission-driven work. After getting them acquainted with our organization, I gave a 30 minute or so presentation on Travel Safety to the engaged and thoughtful audience. At the end of the presentation, Jeff, Todd, and I raffled off a few travel prizes, and then attendees mixed and mingled into the evening as they bid on the travel vouchers positioned throughout the space.
When all was said and done, the event raised about $4,000 for Thousand Waves. Todd, Fundraising Committee Chair and Senpai Pat Broughton, and TW training member Sandy Markiewicz were also on hand to work the room and talk up the good work of Thousand Waves. Thanks to Orbitz.com, Jenner & Block, and everyone who made the event a tremendous success, with a very special shout out to Senpai Todd for making the initial connection.
Representative Feigenholtz on Hand to Co-Sponsor
Community Self-Defense Workshop
Earlier this year, 12th District State Representative Sara Feigenholtz reached out to us to see about sponsoring a free community self-defense workshop. We worked with her office to publicize the event, and on April 5 we were thrilled to host a great group of community members, including representative Feigenholtz and her staff, for the workshop. In her brief comments prior to the start of the program, Representative Feigenholtz talked about her observation that a lot of people walk around our area who seem to lack an awareness of their surroundings. Unbeknownst to her, those comments provided a perfect introduction for me – Awareness is a big part of the THINK finger of self-defense, of course! Amy Jones, my co-instructor for the program, and I were thrilled that the representative stayed for the whole event. At the end I couldn’t resist publicly acknowledging her for being the first politico ever to do so! – Ryan Libel
Behind the Curtain with TW's Violence Prevention Team
Behind the curtain in Thousand Waves’ “west basement” on an early spring Thursday night, four members of TW’s violence prevention team huddled around our visual aids going through the FIGHT finger of self-defense for some of our newer team members. It was chilly on the concrete floor, but we’re used to working in whatever space we can get, so we quickly forgot about the chill as we dived into our bread and butter techniques, the ways we frame groundfighting, and the different physical techniques and concepts we teach in our programs of varying lengths. Our commitment to ongoing staff development is one reason we can all be so proud of our professional, dedicated VP team! – Ryan Libel
Meet the PeaceWorks Trainers
By Senpai Amy Jones
2nd Degree Black Belt and PeaceWorks co-Coordinator
Planning for PeaceWorks continues, and while we haven’t quite firmed up the schedule, we’ve announced our trainer corps. Here’s a little more than you’ll find on the NWMAF website (for what you’ll find on the web, go here: http://nwmaf.org/PeaceWorksRoster and here: http://nwmaf.org/PeaceWorks-Classes).
Familiar (and Beloved) Faces
And of course, there will be some faces from our Seido family, including from right here at Thousand Waves.
Click here to find out who else will be teaching at PeaceWorks.
Last Chance to Register for Kids' Tournament: April 26
Don’t miss this annual opportunity for a little friendly competition and a whole lot of fun! On Sunday, May 4, Thousand Waves will host our annual Kids’ Seido Karate Tournament. The event is open to all ranks and ages of training children, and all participants will receive medals of participation. Special recognition will also be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place competitors in each event, and a SOGO (grand champion) trophy will be awarded to the Jr. Black Belt with the best all-around performance. Click here for a flyer and schedule of events, and click here for a registration form. You must register by Saturday, April 26th! OSU and best of luck polishing your kata!
Just a Few Spots Left in Camp Kokoro!
Ask any late-teen around Thousand Waves how they felt about their Camp Kokoro experiences and you’ll tap into some of the best memories of their childhoods! There are just a few spots left in session two of camp, and the time to register is now. Karate, beach, games, a day at a waterpark, and so much more!
Click here for a brochure that will give you all the details, and register now at the front desk or by phone!
TW Celebrates Two New Sensei
On Wednesday April 9, 2014, Thousand Waves celebrated the promotion two new Sensei: Sensei Eric Francque and Sensei Akinwande Oyebanjo (center), who were promoted to fourth degree black belt on April 6, after many days of testing at Honbu in New York City. Joining our celebration were visitors from Australia, Kyoshi Ali Todd (left) and Kyoshi Alison Boyle (right), who were promoted to fifth degree black belt with Sensei Eric and Sensei Akinwande's testing group.
Inside the Minds of the New Black Belts
By Senpai Janet Lefley
1st Degree Black Belt
Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of someone about to test for their first degree black belt? Having just tested for Shodan (first degree black belt) myself, I interviewed my fellow Shodan candidates and got an idea. Thank you to Senpai Michele Curley, Senpai Jeff Gore, Senpai Jake Baumstark, Senpai TJ Nakano and Senpai Lauren Schwendimann for sharing their thoughts with me. I asked for their insights into preparing for the test, about the test itself and their thoughts since the test.
Candidates before the test, left to right: TJ Nakano, Jeff Gore, Lauren Schwendimann,
Jake Baumstark, Michele Curley and Janet Lefley.
Read on for details on the new black belts' preparation and testing.
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Sensei Eric Francque I believe it is better to move through pain until it takes on a different energy; pain is not a fixed energy that defines us or traps us. Read more. |
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Sensei Akinwande O. Oyebanjo There is a difference between not being able to do something because your body will not allow you to, and not being able to do something out of fear and doubt. Read more. |
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Senpai Janet Lefley When I let out my Kiai on the dojo floor, it is effortless. I don't think. It is unselfconscious and free of ego. Read more. |
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Senpai Jeffrey Gore I become a better father and step-father and partner and friend and brother and son each moment that I remember that things that are easy for me to think about or accept or learn are not always easy for others – and vice versa. Read more. |
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Senpai Michele Curley My work and life worries disappear as I focus on curriculum, kata and kumite. I love enriching and challenging my mind, body and spirit by practicing this martial art. Read more. |
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Senpai Lauren Schwendimann I know that my challenges, setbacks, and gains within the dojo have changed me, and will continue to do so day by day. These experiences, I believe, help me develop resilience and strength for the unknown future. Read more. |
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Senpai TJ Nakano Instead of dwelling on my mistakes, I became grateful that I was given a chance to test myself, and I realized that I have gained emotional maturity when it comes to handling disappointment. Read more. |
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Senpai Jake Baumstark This select group of [ASK] students inspired me to always perfect and polish my art, and to always put 100% effort when I train no matter what. They inspire me to try harder everyday. Read more. |
Congratulations to March & April 2014 Promotees
Junior Color Belts
Youth & Teen Color Belts
Adult Color Belts
Adult Black Belts
Senior Black Belts