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from the April, 2009 issue of Kiai!
Thousand Waves Partners with the Ounce of Prevention Fund
by P. Marie O'Brien, Director of Violence Prevention Programs
Class participants say "Excellent, interesting, empowering info!" and "A new perspective to domestic violence issues."
March, Thousand Waves provided four trainings for the Ounce of
Prevention Fund, a statewide organization, presenting two programs in
Chicago and two in Springfield. The Ounce of Prevention Fund requested
we train staff who do child abuse prevention work, specifically with
new mothers. Entitled “Staying Safe: The Cycle of Violence,
Self-Defense and Reducing Aggression,” these day-long trainings
provided strategies for increasing safety while traveling to and
working within clients’ homes. Thousand Waves also addressed
general safety concerns using our “Five Fingers of Self-Defense”
(Think, Yell, Run, Fight, Tell) model, and considered ways to recognize
and interrupt cycles of violence and abuse.
Ounce of Prevention
Fund trainings also provided a series of activities for staff to do
with their clients as a way to transmit safety skills to these new
moms. Given that many are at- risk for domestic violence and
abuse, the theme of being assertive within relationships – as opposed
to passive or aggressive – is a key concept that staff can share with
their clients, which may enhance the safety of both babies and
Thousand Waves was delighted to reach 86 home
visitors through this partnership with the Ounce of Prevention
Fund. One participant will be setting waves in motion as she
teaches others what she learned: “I’ll be telling my coworkers, friends
and family about this course. This information and techniques
will help me help myself and teach others I serve to do the same.”